The male species is a fascinating one and like the title says ‘Boy will always be boys’ and girls will always wear micro shorts.

A massive collection of creative photographs by Chema Madoz. Some of these are truly mind bloggling since all of these photographs are made from ordinary household objects seen from a perspective that we don’t usually look at.
Alastair Magnaldo who is influenced by his children and Japanese film maker Miyazaki creates these beautiful surreal-like photographic creations.
A collection of some of the coolest and bizarre designs of furnitures that can be found online. Staircase drawers, foldable sofa set and car desk are just some of these unique furnitures presented.
Mihai Criste is a creative Romanian artist who is fascinated by abstration, mystery and surrealism.
A painting professional for more than 10 years, Mihai has participated in numerous contests and exhibitions.
His artworks combine several subjects in an attempt to confuse the viewer of what is reality.